
Monday, April 21, 2014

2014 Month & Year Planning Outline

Using the inspiration from someone on the LDS Chorister Facebook page I created the outline that I finally love.  It is not intended to be printed out, though I did squeeze it to fit legal sized paper.  I use THIS CHART for printing and emailing to my pianist and Primary Presidency each month.  I just love how easy it is for me to see everything and to also be able to include my general plans for each week (and not have to worry about space constraints).  All the 2014 dates and themes and monthly songs and songs listed in the Sharing Time sections are included.  It also has a lot of things filled in that are my own personal notes, and you can just delete them or overwrite them with your notes.  (Sorry, I guess I'm feeling lazy, I don't want to do it!)  And feel free to change this however works for you and your Primary.  :)

Click here to download this editable XLSX document


  1. Kami, I love your site! I go here almost every week for ideas. Like you, I try to avoid using flipcharts but have found that it seems like flipcharts are all I can find so I love that you have taken more of a creative approach.

    I downloaded the 2014 Primary Music Outline and as I have looked through it, I am so impressed with how many songs you are able to cover in a single singing time. I feel like I am only able to cover/teach two songs, maybe three (especially in junior). Is there a trick you have found that helps with time?

    Thank you so much for all of the time you have put into you blog. It has REALLY helped at least one primary chorister (and I'm sure I'm not the only one)!

    1. Hi Alissa! Thank you for your comment! It's nice to know my efforts here aren't completely futile. :)

      I'm glad you asked that question, as it's been something I've been thinking about wanting to share. And since you brought it up, I will work on a post about it for the near future! Sorry I can't really give you a short answer. I actually did start typing it up but it was getting really long! So I hope you'll check back within the next week or so for the full report! :)

    2. Thank you! I look forward to reading about it!

  2. Hello Kami,

    I absolutely loved using the 2014 month and year planning outline that you created. Before I go through and edit my 2014 outline for the 2015 year, I thought I would ask to see if you had already made one for this year. I really appreciate all the work you put into you calling and for sharing all of your wonderful ideas.


    1. Thanks Alissa! Yes, I'm sorry I've been so slow to upload it. I have it finished already, the post is still in progress somewhat :) -- Here's the link:

  3. Thank you so much! It looks great!
