In case they aren't even using the ones they have, or if they want to do all of my cards or whatever, I also made a wiggle song set. I know there are a few songs that could go either way, but I wanted to make use of the entire sheet I would be printing on. I hate wasting resources! :) I printed all of these on card stock and cut them out to about 3x4 inch cards. After I write the song name on the back of each card I'll laminate them.
There are 12 songs in each set. That is a lot of songs! There are so many great ones to choose from. We obviously won't have time each week to sing all the songs, but hopefully it will be a good and fun rotation, and the children will be getting exposure to these wonderful songs. Also, I did not make a card for I Am a Child of God (2) because my intention is that that will always be the last song we sing together.
Here are links to both sets:
Gospel Song Cards:
Wiggle Song Cards:
Gospel Song Cards:
- Temple: I Love to See the Temple (95)
- Christ w/ children: I Know That My Savior Loves Me (2015 outline... I'm going to sing just the chorus with these nursery kids)
- Family in front of temple: Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
- Houses in the rain: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
- Rainbow: When I Am Baptized (103)
- Missionary tag: I Hope They Call Me on a Mission (169)
- Star: I Am Like a Star (163)
- Footprints: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (78)
- Bird: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
- Heart: I Feel My Savior's Love (74)
- Light: Teach Me to Walk in the Light (177... I still don't love that picture but it was the best I could come up with)
- President Monson: Follow the Prophet (110)
Wiggle Song Cards:
- Happy face: If You're Happy (266)
- Snowman: Once There was a Snowman (249)
- Hands together: Roll Your Hands (274)
- Wiggly hands: I Wiggle (271)
- Book of Mormon: Book of Mormon Stories (118)
- Child with arms bent: Hinges (277)
- Four children: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275)
- Stream: Give, Said the Little Stream (236)
- Popcorn: Popcorn Popping (242)
- Sun: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
- Smile: Smiles (267)
- Child jumping: Do As I'm Doing (276)